Looking at the State of Tomorrow’s Union
Posted On January 26, 2011
0 Tonight President Obama gave his State of the Union speech. The various political pundits will each have their own spin, but we thought we’d let you take a different tack with the commentary.
While much was said (or not said, depending upon your viewpoint), there were a number of points that could impact your business and our industry. Share your comments on what you heard tonight, including on the following issues:
- Repeal of the need for businesses to issue 1099’s to all suppliers
- The need for a better educational system
- Investments in renewables and the goal of having 80% of our energy needs addressed by “clean energy” by 2035
- Investments in “clean energy” subsidies
- Reduction / elimination of oil tax credits
- The drive for innovation to drive business development and growth
- Increased use of technology to drive business breakthroughs
- 1,000,000 electric vehicles by 2015
- Extensive investment in infrastructure
- Simplifying the tax code
- Review of government regulations to reduce barriers for business
- An effort to double exports
and more. This isn’t meant as a political commentary from us. We’d just like to hear your reaction of how you feel these initiatives may impact your business and the electrical industry.
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