A Deeper Dive Into Wire – Research Request

For Electrical Distributors and Manufacturer Reps interested in sharing information to gain greater insights into the wire market.
Channel Marketing Group is taking a deeper dive into the wire / cable market to gain a better understanding of the segmentation within this product category which is very important to many manufacturers.
We’ve aggregated various “types” of wire into categories and are seeking your help to understand what % of sales they represent. We’re seeking to crowdsource industry sources to determine percentages and will share the information with you. We’re looking for your best estimate (not asking you to go into your ERP to determine.)
By better understanding these categories, and how the “market” performs, you can then use this information to better benchmark your performance … and perhaps identify product category opportunity areas.
The survey is only a couple of questions and should take 1-2 minutes to complete
Survey participants, at their request, will receive a summary of the results.
Electrical Distributors Click Here
Manufacturer Reps Click Here
If you are a manufacturer and would like to contribute, please contact us
The surveys close Tuesday, January 12th.
Thank you for your support.