Arc Flash – A Bright Spot in The Economy
Whether you are an industrially-oriented distributor or a contractor house, arc flash represents a revenue opportunity for you. If you haven’t developed a strategy to pursue this market with your gear, wiring device, fuse and apparel supplier, you could be missing out on service and material revenue.
A recent study by GE on the subject, published in Electrical Contracting Products, asked “Have you performed an arch flash study of your facility?” The response was:
While some may look at this as “50% haven’t done and 47% of the 44% who did do didn’t purchase product”, consider looking at the glass as half-full. 50% of respondents haven’t consider (which represents an opportunity) and 53% of respondents who did do a study purchased materials!
From a distributor viewpoint there is an opportunity to sell training, sell the study and then sell material (and from multiple product categories). The key is developing a strategy to pursue this burgeoning opportunity.
Our January article in Electrical Wholesaling highlighted this niche (starting at paragraph 6), amongst others. Consider this, for every $1 that a customer spends on an arc flash analysis, they invest $20 in electrical materials.
In a slow growth market, this could be big dollars (especially since most distributors are not).
Are you pursuing this opportunity?