Bits and Bytes to Dollars and Cents
According to Steve Epner, Brown Smith Wallace Consulting Group, “Data synchronization is one of the most significant opportunities for cost-savings in the electrical channel.”
As many know, IDEA has helped many manufacturers and distributors to pursue this path, saving them thousands of dollars (see “A Valuable IDEA” for a sense of potential profit improvement – full report / executive summary). Some distributors have taken the next step of working with their key customers to standardize product information, pricing and ordering / invoicing processes to take advantage of e-ordering, e-invoicing and e-account management to reduce peer-to-peer inefficiencies. The challenge is taking a one-to-one approach and broadening its reach.
Intuitively, to achieve synchronization, it is presumed that a central resource exists from which companies can contribute and extract data as there would only be one “bank” to “deposit” and “withdraw” from.
In looking towards the next couple of years, and the slow growth environment that many expect the industry to experience (definitely less than the past few years), the need to reduce operational expenses (or manage their costs in relation to your growth rate) is critical to ensuring profitability.
Additionally, given the speed of change demanded by customers (desire for e-invoicing, e-catalogs, e-account management services) as well as the frequency of changes emanating from manufacturers (i.e. product changes, pricing), it will only be practical for distributors and manufacturers to seek, and accelerate, data synchronization and process standardization to grow their business.
To capitalize on these opportunities distributors and manufacturers should consider conducting an eBusiness Audit to better understand their potential, be they process issues, the need for “new” technologies or a better understanding of the tools that currently are available.
Next week IDEA will be holding its Electro E-Biz Forum in Vancouver. Over 120 people are expected to attend. Topics include the State of Private Labeling, The Changing Landscape of Invoicing (both topics presented by Allen Ray based upon ARA/CMG customer research), Using Information to Link the Supply Chain, Special Pricing Authorizations: The Benefits of Automating the Process, Web 2.0 Catalog and much more.
Allen Ray will be attending this week’s conference and will share his insights and observations from Vancouver.