How Should Manufacturers Evaluate Associations?
At the same association meeting I’m currently at the association held a manufacturer only session (as well as a distributor only one) to solicit meeting format feedback as well as association feedback, essentially asking manufacturers, “what are you looking for from us / how can we improve?”
As one would expect, manufacturers discussed the need for greater member support for the manufacturers who support the association … which most would consider fair.
Which then begs questions of:
- How should manufacturers evaluate the benefit (or ROI) that they get from membership in an association?
- What could / should associations offer / do to generate more value for manufacturers to either generate greater opportunities for interaction / communication / marketing to their members or to better communicate to their members the value of supporting the manufacturers in the groups?
- Or, should associations solely focus on networking and training and leave it to the marketing / buying groups to drive revenue growth?
Your thoughts?
And just for clarity, I am not at an NAED meeting nor asking for anything relating to NAED. These are general questions that I’m hearing from manufacturers in another industry. Please do not comment regarding NAED.