Electra Products to Represent Phillips Lighting

Electra Products, a leading manufacturer representative covering the state of Indiana, announced that they are now representing Phillips Lighting’s lamps and ballasts.
According to a press release from Joel Van Tresse, president of Electra Products …
“We are excited to announce that we have entered into an agreement with the world leader in lighting, Signify/Phillips, to represent the Phillips lamps and Advance ballast/driver portion of their offering.
Phillips is the industry leader in lighting products and we’re proud to be a part of such a long history of product innovation leadership, said Joel Van Treese, President of Electra Products Electra Products Agency, “The line dovetails nicely into what our agency has been known for; top manufacturers that heavily support electrical distribution with their companies’ sales goals and supports our principle of Aligned partnerships, Local experience, Personal service.
Phillips continues to lead the way in innovation as well as supplying the legacy products that many still require.
It’s an exciting time to be coming on board with Phillips and will be “hitting the streets” with all the products that have made Phillips the leader in the industry!