A Distributor Perspective on Operational Challenges
Last week we interviewed a number of distributors in preparation for an operationally-oriented article we are writing based upon feedback we received in our Channel Challenges survey. The article will focus on at least three operational issues – data synchronization, pricing processes and inventory management. The phone interviews were enlightening, but sometimes you can’t get everything into an article. The following quote, from the owner of a $100-200M distributor with multiple locations, was interesting, and possibly representative of others:
“Despite all the high drama from NAED vs. IDEA last year, we have been concerned about the amount of internal work that centers around our pricing errors and the amount of claims we “think” we haven’t claimed and the surprises we find in our warehouses occasionally. It seems like we have at least one and maybe two reps in each week dealing with monetary claims (SPAs) and pricing issues. And the surprising part is that we are receiving net pricing from a number of manufacturers. Now we are an 8 branch distributor and you would think that we eventually would work through pricing issues on stock items.
We tried to bring in some IDEA data for two lines. We noticed some ‘minor problems’ with the data. Every field for GE Industrial had the same price in it. Some of the fields on the other line were not populated. All of a sudden I had IT people asking for overtime. I was told it was the new data that required their time…..plus they were busy installing files from reps and manufacturers. My IT people time went from 2 people @ 40 hours to 2 people at 50 hours and we still have reps come in to help us straighten out special prices and claims. The frustrating part is that we’ve used Trade Service Corp’s data since we started this business and didn’t have data problems. We made a lot of money using their data, and IT operated smoothly.
On top of this our wireless warehouse was set up we using codes from Trade Service. It works so long as we don’t monkey with the data in the computer. It would help if the manufacturers used the same codes we do. We’ll probably have to change this system if we move over to IDEA data.
Too sum it up, reps probably feel like a sheet on a clothes line in a high breeze. They get whipped into cleaning up manufacturer generated problems from IDEA and from the manufacturers files that they send to us. It’s like one giant manufacturer conspiracy to us …. confusing pricing, slow pay back on claims and pump as much inventory onto our shelves as possible (and by the way most it they don’t want back), some dated terms, some promotions that don’t have a chance of succeeding (there are those that do work) and then a social club (NAED) that thinks they know a thing or two about how to make money running a distributorship business wants to tell everyone how to run their business. As I recall some of these big distributors have been caught fixing prices and rigging contracts a time or two.”
We thought this was an interesting perspective. Your thoughts?