Speed of Your Business
Your Business Speed
You might think this is a heck of a time to explore the speed of your business as for many, sales are regressing. But the fact of the matter is that more and more evidence among reporting distributors shows that they are looking at their back office metrics (reducing variable expenses by using more of their computer ERP capabilities) to control variable cost. In addition, they are looking at changing the capabilities of their in-field sales personnel (referred to as “order takers’).
Most ERP software systems perform essentially the same basic functions, except that they either do not have all of the capabilities turned on to let the distributor electronically match up purchases to shipping/receiving documents/to invoices so they can manage by exceptions. Sometimes the software vendor hasn’t built the electronic matching capability and other connectivity features into their basic ERP system.
Back Office Bottle Necks
The point here is that matching stacks of paper and re-stacking those that don’t match are very labor intensive that a company would have to pay for on an ongoing basis. Electronic matching allows you to manage and pay invoices by exceptions. It might depend on the capability of your ERP system.
Customer Facing Opportunities
On the customer side of the business, a lot of companies use an inside/outside team approach to take and service customers orders. This operational approach has worked well for companies over time. However, this approach is about to change with the usage of iPads/tablets and a cell connection, or with a data hot spot/portable hub and a laptop computer. The possibilities that exist with some ERP systems coupled with a SmartPhone or Tablet/iPad offer the possibilities of cutting out some double entry and redirecting inside sales to more profitable activities. For example, with the right apps, an outside salesperson may now be able to present HD ads/messages and new product catalogs like from the ElectricSmarts electronic catalog; or
- Check inventory in real time
- Check the latest back order status
- Place an order real time
- Produce a quote and email it to the customer either in front of them or remotely
- Deliver and play new product videos from the manufacturer
- Not all the possibilities have risen to the surface yet. Stay tuned.
The bottom line is you can expect more mobility and an increase in the speed of your business.
With the use of these devices, your outside sales person becomes more than a “order taker” but they will need connectivity inside your ERP. Ultimately,the speed of your business will increase.
So do you remember the Mothership post back in July 2011?
Essentially, I asked some questions about which way you thought your ERP software investment was headed. The basic question was “would your ERP software be allowed to drift into a little satellite that would eventually go unsupported, or would it stay and grow into a Mothership?”
In today’s market place with changing technology brought on by Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and others, distributors can take advantage of mobility and connectivity. But your ERP software and the relevant apps/bolt-ons have to work together to be successful and speed up your business.
Newer ERP Offerings:
- Xtuple is a new open source ERP system that offers all sorts of flexibility and does not tie you to a private database. If you happen to use a package like Quickbooks, Xtuple offers a road map to migrate to their current version.
- Ximple Solutions LLC is another open source ERP. One of the recommendations comes from The Hite Company. This new coded package is not dependent on a private closed database.
Established and Satellite ERP’s:
- SAP is a well known ERP package that has as it’s roots in the manufacturing arena. Some distributors have successfully adapted it to their distribution business. With success, as might be would expected, there are some that have had to spend a bit more money and time. Most will recommend it as a sturdy software package. Responding distributors did not play golf with Ernie Ells.
- Epicor is a company that has been, and appears to be, focused on their manufacturing ERP package. Prior to Epicor and Activant joining forces, P-21 and Eclipse were well-known in the electrical and industrial distribution industries. Responding distributors report nervousness with support issues with their investment in Eclipse. Anticipating a gap in support and other issues, some have hired Eclipse support personnel, one being Sonepar. (Around the time they purchased OneSource, Sonepar hired a number of Eclipse employees). As a group, reporting Eclipse users seemed very concerned that Epicor is only going to be focused on manufacturing software. Time will tell.
- Infor 10 Distribution is rolling out some middleware named ION (Intelligent Open Network). Infor has recognized that the mobility for distribution is game changing technology. ION, with the mobility apps, can address issues such as quoting (quote pad, displaying feature products in a showroom, retail space or a warehouse from a mobile device such as an iPad). Now your outside sales can be a Road Warrior.
However, the overall question continues to be, “how is your ERP investment working for your company?” Is it a Mothership or satellite? How does it speed up your operational speed and keep the variable cost in check?