The Year in Review and Your Input is Requested … Happy New Year
Posted On December 30, 2013
0 As we get ready to close the page on another successful year, we wanted to thank you for your readership and support.
Over the past year we’ve:
- posted 69 thoughts, observations and insights which we hope were beneficial to you
- had 13,480 unique visitors from 105 countries visit the site 27,854 times, generating almost 85,000 page views
- and had countless feedback from you in terms of comments on specific posts, emails, phone calls and mentions at industry meetings.
We enjoy the opportunity to share our thoughts with you and hope we’re able to generate conversation within your company.
Over the past year, the following were our top 13 posts in 2013. The topics are indicative of key issues, and opportunities, in 2013 (the #’s in parentheses are direct page views as tracked by Google Analytics and do not include when the topic was on the ElectricalTrends home page).
- Is New England Worthy? (3,512)
- AD, HD Supply, Graybar and Rexel Report In (1,658)
- Houston, We Have Another Distributor (1,541)
- ABB (or Thomas and Betts), Eaton and the Effectiveness of Manufacturer Consolidation on Distributors (1,258)
- Leff Gets Amp(‘d) Up For Growth (994)
- Could Schneider Change the Distribution Equipment / Automation Playing Field? (989)
- Earnings Results … ABB, Eaton, WESCO (947)
- 13 Predictions for 2013 (861)
- Will Distributors Capture the LED Market and Retain Share of Lighting Sales? (810)
- Amazon Supply and Google Shopping for Suppliers Programs … (778)
- Eaton and Cooper Integration Update (734)
- A Brick Branch or an eBranch – Let the Arms Race Begin (629)
- Are Automation Manufacturers Seeing Channel Convergence or Are They Dissatisfied with Electrical Distribution Efforts? (599)
We hope you enjoyed our comments and, if you did, encourage you to share ElectricalTrends with others within your company and professional network.
Additionally, we’d like to ask:
- how could we improve ElectricalTrends to make it more valuable to you?
- for 2014 we are considering conducting some channel / end-user research for our readers. What would you like us to research on your behalf?
- what topics would you want us to share input on 2014?
And while the market was challenging for many with minimal growth, there were others who had strong years. The commonality among those with good years were geographic (in urban areas or able to be in the middle of booming areas – most petrochem related), their focus on energy efficiency (and being demand generators for lighting vs. order fulfillers), companies with defined strategies and those who have committed to marketing to promote their differences.

In the meantime, we wish you, your family and your colleagues a happy and healthy New Year!
David and Allen
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