Live Event Today – LEADsmart’s Around the Horn
I’m looking forward to being a guest today on LEADsmart’s Around the Horn.
If you haven’t heard of Around the Horn, it is a live podcast (yes, you can watch it on LinkedIn), with LEADsmart’s Kevin Brown and Tom Burton. I have the honor of being on their 130th episode today, February 21st, at 12:00 ET.
During the lively hour, we’ll share observations on topics that are in their newsletter including:
- The economy
- Tariffs (the topic of the month)
- Price increases
- The role of distribution
- eCommerce
- Marketing
- The difference between PR and Publicity
- AI
- Consolidation and Private Equity Firms
- Sales Training
- Compensation
And more
All of these are topics in today’s LEADsmart’s Around the Horn newsletter where they curate articles from many sources.
Plus, I’m confident that we’ll get into the electrical market and take questions from the audience.
You can register to attend, or just “show up” by clicking here.
And if you’re not familiar with LEADsmart it is a distribution-focused CRM system. The company is an AD service provider and serves distributors in a variety of construction and distribution industries.
If you can’t join live on LinkedIn, the Around the Horn podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, and other podcast sources.
I hope you can grab lunch or a coffee / snack and join us at 12:00 ET, 11:00 CT, 9:00 PT.