We Buy From China, They “Source” Us?
Every once in a while we receive information, insights and information from our ElectricalTrends readers that is worthy of sharing with our readership. We promise anonymity, however, ensure that the information is sourced vs. “grapevine” topics.
Today we received the attached from a thought-provoking manufacturer rep who was reading yesterday’s New York Times. The article was entitled “Chinese Army Unit is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.”
Here’s the email he sent us:
Hi David. I found today’s headline NYT article about Chinese computer hacking to be fascinating. It mentioned that there is a growing body of evidence leaves little doubt that an overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American companies and government agencies start in a building on the edge of Shanghai.
Near the end of the article it mentions National Electrical Manufacturers Assoc (NEMA) and then goes onto say that “the most troubling attack to date…was a successful invasion of the Canadian arm of Telvent…owned by Schneider Electric (which) gives oil and gas pipeline companies and power grid operators remote access to valves, switches and security systems. Telvent keeps detailed blueprints on more than half of all the oil and gas pipelines in North and South America and has access to their systems. In September, Telvent Canada told customers that attackers had broken into its system and taken files. ” The article ends with a quote from the house intelligence chairman, Mike Rogers “Right now there is no incentive for the Chinese to stop doing this…if we don’t create a high price it’s only going to accelerate”. Should the US and European NEMA manufactures sourcing product to China care? Should the consumers of those products care? Here’s a link to the article.