ERP’s won’t do it all in the Future … The Technologies for Today / Tomorrow
The revolution has begun…look at it in your hand…it started out as a mobile phone. It is now a cell phone that exchanges data from different platforms and allows you to make decisions while on the move.
From years back, distributors of all flavors sought Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP software) that first started out:
- Just Printing invoices
- Then some type of inventory system was added on..maybe
- That evolved into some sort of Purchasing system that eventually led to electronic communications back and forth between their manufacturers and some of their customers. Distributors wanted a better way to figure their inventory. So some ERP software companies offered a warehouse management system even to the point of wireless systems and scanning guns. But there were better system available from other vendors.
- Distributors asked for Accounting packages and they got added to the basic ERP system. Mind you there were varying degrees of Accounting and Financial packages
- Distributors wanted to look at their sales activity by customer by sales person by location, so Reporting packages became optional or part of the basic ERP. But there were other companies that offered more of a targeted solution for reports.
- If you got a later model of ERP software you had the ability to send and receive EDI files.
And now consider your needs … Look around your office and look at all the different computer programs that exchange files. Virtually every distributor I have met over the years has Excel somewhere in their business. It does not exchange files with your ERP system automatically unless you paid for some custom coding.
- a CRM (customer relationship management) system
- a SFA (sales force automation) system (and are they one and the same?)
- Marketing automation software
- Partner relationship management software
- Storefront / e-commerce capabilities
- storeroom management software (for on-site customer locations as well as to manage vending machines)
- smartphone applications (supplier apps, business productivity apps, etc)
- mobility for your business (your app, your storefront?)
- eLearning / training
- integration with HR systems
- online invoicing / billing systems
- more advanced EDI and VMI technology
- social media tracking software
- website analytics
- requests for dashboards to better manage the business
- analysis tools such as and others
- VoIP phone systems that allow for call centers, “follow-me” numbers and much more
and this doesn’t include software to track cell phones / laptops, catalog management software, price optimization tools, marketing automation, e-newsletters and much more. And we haven’t mentioned social media, the need to measure activity let alone a critical component … product data including pictures, weight and size.
Is your heard hurting yet? Technology has made the business more complex than ever before. Is your IT “partner” prepared to help, provide insight or guidance?
To move ahead you need a strong technology department/partner that can validate needs and qualify different technology partners based upon their core competency as well as their product roadmap. Technology can be a differentiator in helping reduce costs, target opportunities to drive growth and gain a better handle on your business. Is it realistic to think your ERP provider can be a one-stop shop or should “best of breed” prevail and ERP systems advocate open platforms and easy interoperability?
And on this issue, look for an upcoming survey asking you about what technologies you’re using and could conceivable consider.