Free AI Insights Summit
If you are talking tech or processes with anyone inevitably the topic quickly turns to AI.
There is much going on in this space and it seemingly changes daily. I’ve recently had conversations with some people inquiring what distributors are doing and why it wasn’t going faster.
They asked if distributors had thought how they could use AI. I laughed (to myself) and said, “If 5 people from a distributor gathered for a meeting on AI and each came with 3 ideas, an hour later they’d walk out with 50 ideas. It’s not for lack of ideas, it’s a lack of resources … time and money, plus the need to conduct today’s business and then the ability to implement change and get adoption.”
But whether it is “artificial intelligence” or “actionable intelligence” as Halco highlighted or “automated intelligence” if the initiative is workflow related, there is much going on.
To add to the discussion, MDM is holding its AI Summit for Distributors. which is free. I would encourage every distributor to at least register to get the on-demand version and to listen to pertinent sessions at their leisure.
Some highlights:
- 10:05 Research on Practical AI Applications in Distribution with Real-World Impact
- 11:30 AI Trends Reshaping Distribution Over the Next Decade (by QXO)
- 12:00 Chatbots, CRM and AI: Transforming Customer Experience in Distribution (by Turtle and Grainger)
- 1:00 The Fully Connected Distribution Ecosystem
Worst case it’s free insights on what others are thinking. Best case it is good ideas and helps you envision and prioritize.
If you have time, listen in (or listen while you do email.) If you don’t have time, delegate different sessions to different people on your team. Or register to get the link for later (perhaps drive time?). No matter what, register … it’s free.
Is AI artificial, actionable, or automated intelligence to you?