Over the past month or two as I’ve been talking with distributors the question comes up of “What are other distributors doing with AI?” For clients I share a list of possibilities, some are purpose-built applications from technology companies in […]
Over the past month or two as I’ve been talking with distributors the question comes up of “What are other distributors doing with AI?” For clients I share a list of possibilities, some are purpose-built applications from technology companies in […]
The “go-go” days of post-Covid are gone. We’re back to pre-pandemic industry growth rates of 3-5% organic growth. Maintaining, and improving, net profitability in the face of slowing growth, increased cost structure, and stagnant (if not decreasing) margins, requires improved […]
With business returning to a more “normal” pace, defined as “slow growth” looking forward, leading distributors are focused on improving the operational / warehouse aspects of their business. While national chains, over the years, quickly moved to a CDC or […]
Warehousing is core to a distributor’s value proposition. Customers expect distributors to carry inventory. The 2023 NAED PAR report (2022 data) stated that, on average, 72% of distributor sales emanate from their warehouse. Given the importance of a warehouse to […]
The technology topic of the year has been, and will continue to be, AI. In reality, much of AI is really ML (machine learning) but it’s not as “sexy” to talk about data being built into algorithms, to mine data […]
A new survey of supply chain executives by New York City-based Carl Marks Advisors – in partnership with SupplyChainBrain – underscores the deep and lasting impact of COVID-related supply chain disruptions. According to the research conducted from May-June 2022 surveying […]
Schaedler Yesco, a fourth generation distributor committed to growth recently completed construction on its CDC expansion. The, based in Harrisburg, PA, company broke ground on the construction of the CDC in April. The company shared a release stating: Schaedler Yesco […]
Recently Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell stated, “There’s no returning to the pre-pandemic economy.” And he was probably hoping we could ignore the supply chain disruption that is causing havoc on the economy (and is an element of recent inflation.) […]
Growth goals at Schaedler YESCO create the need for expansion. In a recent press release, Schaedler YESCO announced an expansion of their CDC in Harrisburgh, PA. When complete, the “new” CDC will encompass almost 200,000 square feet! “Schaedler Yesco is […]
Distributors thinking about tomorrow need to be thinking about their warehouse of tomorrow. And in a technology world, this means considering smart warehouse technologies. Smart warehouses can be implemented in phases. The key is understanding the emerging technologies as they […]