Now this is a face that many of us know (and yes, you know the rest of the phrase) And if you don’t know him from this wonderful photo, it is Pat Schrager, VP Global Distribution for Panduit. But think […]
Now this is a face that many of us know (and yes, you know the rest of the phrase) And if you don’t know him from this wonderful photo, it is Pat Schrager, VP Global Distribution for Panduit. But think […]
And just like before the Revolution, tension has been brewing behind the scenes. The issue is electrical product standards, certifications, and factory control and product safety. As manufacturers know, NEMA, in conjunction with volunteer committees consisting of manufacturers as well […]
On this Memorial Day weekend we wanted to wish you: An enjoyable weekend with friends and family A safe weekend, especially if you are traveling A scrumptious barbeque on Monday (isn’t that the American pastime?) Welcome to in the informal […]
At the same association meeting I’m currently at the association held a manufacturer only session (as well as a distributor only one) to solicit meeting format feedback as well as association feedback, essentially asking manufacturers, “what are you looking for […]
It appears that as much as the economy has created the slowdown in the construction industry, politics is contributing to the process. A recent article on highlights recent Congressional hearings regarding PLAs. PLAs are “project labor agreements” and when they […]
As we celebrate our 233rd birthday this weekend we wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend with family and loved ones. The Declaration of Independence was conceived based upon the concept that people had the “right” to pursue “life, liberty […]
A follow-up to last week’s posting on China’s Next Growth Strategy. According to yesterday’s Wall Street Journal entitled “Unionizing Fight Focuses on 3 States” , the Employee Free Choice Act may come down to three senators … Arlen Specter of […]
On Monday, NAED forwarded members a message from the NAW regarding proposed legislation that could significantly impact manufacturers and distributors.Our “legislators” are getting ready to discuss the misnamed “Employee Free Choice Act”. According to the NAED email, “Under the proposed […]
Last week we posted an entry entitled “Influencing Direction to Create Industry Opportunities” and referenced the endeavors that NEMA is undertaking to influence the economic stimulus package and that NAW is doing to ensure the competitiveness of distributors.Bill Weisberg, CEO […]
To make an understatement, we’re in challenging and yet exciting times. While most everyone is faced with economic challenges, the historical opportunities that may be created by the economy (stimulus package) as well as a new administration, represents exciting opportunities […]
David Gordon
Channel Marketing Group