It’s that time of the year here in Raleigh. Weather in the low 60’s, blue skies, birds chirping, St. Patrick’s Day around the corner and Pat Schrager (from Panduit) is getting ready to get a buzz! As you’ll recall, for […]
It’s that time of the year here in Raleigh. Weather in the low 60’s, blue skies, birds chirping, St. Patrick’s Day around the corner and Pat Schrager (from Panduit) is getting ready to get a buzz! As you’ll recall, for […]
Every once in a while we receive information, insights and information from our ElectricalTrends readers that is worthy of sharing with our readership. We promise anonymity, however, ensure that the information is sourced vs. “grapevine” topics.Today we received the attached […]
August marks the five year anniversary of ElectricalTrends and we would like to thank you for your readership, support, interest and comments over the years. We launched ElectricalTrends as a means to share insights and observations regarding the electrical distribution […]
I’ve been debating for a month or so about whether I should write this posting or not but, as the continued dripping of economic data comes out and healthcare has been ruled “legal”, I thought “let’s give our readership the […]
New Jersey is known for a few things … the crossing of the Delaware, Bruce Springsteen and Griffith Electric, to name a few. The commonality of these three are American initiatives. As we get ready to celebrate July 4th, and […]
As we promised last week, here are pictures of Pat Schrager from St Baldrick’s Day: Pat and his daughter Pat being shaved The new Pat Pat raised over $10,500. Congrats Pat! Email Pat your comments on […]
Sunday is March 18th, the day Pat Schrager from Panduit loses what little hair he has … but in the name of a good cause. Fighting cancer for children. Last month ElectricalTrends highlighted Pat’s efforts to raise $10,000 to support […]
Pat Schrager Last year ElectricalTrends followers helped Pat Schrager of Panduit raise over $7600 for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation and he asked if we could help him achieve his 2012 goal – $10,000. Right now (2/4/12) he is 33% to […]
I recently posted this on TED Magazine’s LinkedIn site and, it seems, it’s gotten buried, so I thought we’d re-start the discussion here. We’re working on a project with a manufacturer and during our discussions the topic of “loyalty” and […]
As you may recall, Pat Schrager, VP Global Distribution for Panduit, recently shaved his head in support of kids fighting cancer. This occured during a St. Baldrick’s Foundation Party on March 20th. Pat set a goal of raising $5,000 and […]
David Gordon
Channel Marketing Group