Over the holidays I was contemplating writing a “10 Trends” type of article. You know, the type where a consultant or journalist theorizes what will occur in the coming year and says “you should do ‘x’ to generate growth. And […]
Over the holidays I was contemplating writing a “10 Trends” type of article. You know, the type where a consultant or journalist theorizes what will occur in the coming year and says “you should do ‘x’ to generate growth. And […]
The markets up, the markets down. You listen to economists and you hear about recession and will the Fed raise rates or hold. Large technology firms are laying people off by the thousands but electrical distributors and manufacturers cannot find […]
On a day that the Dow Jones Industrial Average increased over 1200 points on the news that the CPI declined to 7.7% over the past 12 months, the 30-year mortgage fell below 7% and the 10 year treasury fell to […]
Manufacturers, distributors, and reps are all in the 2023 planning phase, all trying to read the tea leaves for a 2023 forecast. Concurrently some are experiencing a slowdown, some are sensing a slowdown and others are questioning if a slowdown […]
As Q3 turns to Q4 and summer turns to fall, so we can now share the results of our Q3 Pulse of Lighting survey. For our Q3 report we heard from 200 distributors, manufacturers, manufacturer reps and lighting agents. Overall, […]
Each month, Chris Sokoll from DISC shares insights from his monthly DISC report, which is provided to executive leaders in the electrical distribution industry. Strong 7 Months with Slowing Growth to Come and Then … “We are in unusual economic […]
Staffing has been one of the biggest challenges for manufacturers, reps, and distributors for the past few years. Not only did the pandemic make a number of people consider “work alternatives” but the growth that has since occurred in the […]
Last month we solicited input from electrical / lighting distributors, lighting manufacturers, independent manufacturer reps and lighting agents on their forecast for their Q2 lighting business. Over 225 shared their insights. And, overall, it appeared that the lighting market slowed […]
As we get to the midpoint of the year and companies meet for mid-year reviews and discuss their second half strategies, perhaps on of the most important industry forecasts / outlooks is released. Christian Sokoll at DISC Corp just released […]
New products are the oxygen of manufacturers, and the industry. While most sales come from products that have been introduced more than three years ago, progressive companies focus on a key metric – revenue from products introduced in the past […]