Yes, we’re talking about liens! They types that accounting / credit people like, not “lean” as in “lean processes” which we’ll touch on in the near future when we discuss innovation. Why liens? Basically because a couple of weeks ago […]
Yes, we’re talking about liens! They types that accounting / credit people like, not “lean” as in “lean processes” which we’ll touch on in the near future when we discuss innovation. Why liens? Basically because a couple of weeks ago […]
With Q1 coming to an end, market (as in industry, not Wall Street), watchers are projecting a continuing, and slightly accelerated, sales decline, at the national level, especially for those in the industrial segment. (But do read down to the […]
Feedback from manufacturers and distributors indicate a rather significant drop in sales but recent conversations indicate that margins could be even more significantly impacted. While industrial margins typically are higher than contractor / construction business, this quickly could become a […]
Last week was a busy week for the industry with the NAED South-Central. This week was a busy week for WESCO. First they announced the acquisition of Atlanta Electrical Distributors and then on Wednesday they had their Investor Day which is when […]
Grainger and WESCO are typically good industry benchmarks to get a sense of the industrial MRO market. Grainger also sometimes provides insights into the institutional market, so let’s look at their end of year / quarterly reports where they also […]
As you’re planning your 2016 initiatives, we thought we’d share some LED, construction and industrial information we’ve seen that could impact 2016 revenue planning or opportunity focus: Our friend Bill Attardi from EnergyWatchNews directed us to this article, Top 10 […]
The end of last week was “acquisition” week. WESCO acquired NESCO Acuity acquired Juno (formerly a division of Schneider Electric and a sister company of Square D) Eaton Lighting acquired Ephesus Lighting Some thoughts and what it could mean: WESCO […]
The question of what influence a distributor has on their customers is often debated. What percentage of the time do customers know what they want (and hence the distributor acts as an “order taker” or fulfillment source) and what percentage […]
Next up on our Quarterly review series is Pentair whom in the electrical industry is best known as Hoffman and now Erico. Two companies with strong brand cache in the industry and with end-users. In the late spring Pentair was […]
Earning season continues and with it an opportunity for distributors and manufacturers to benchmark their performance. We’ve shared some already and will have more in the next few days but, next up, is one that is anticipated by many … […]