Welcome to a new year and let me be one of the first to say, “happy New Year to you.” While some manufacturers, reps and distributors started their joint 2022 planning in Q4, for the majority of us the planning […]
Welcome to a new year and let me be one of the first to say, “happy New Year to you.” While some manufacturers, reps and distributors started their joint 2022 planning in Q4, for the majority of us the planning […]
Tis the time of the year for gift giving and companies continue to bestow gifts unto themselves and the management teams they are buying with late season gifts. Just this week there have been 4 manufacturing companies acquired. Signify Acquires […]
Over the past couple of weeks there have been at least three more electrical distributor acquisitions (and remember, industrial automation is a sub-segment of the electrical distribution market.) While one gets a distributor into a new market, the other two […]
Earlier this week Southwire announced its second acquisition in two weeks. Last week it acquired OBI Partners to support its utility business and, based upon a review of OBI’s website and reviewing the press release, this appears to be a […]
The electrical and HVAC markets have many similarities, and some private equity companies may be noticing. The commonality, other than manufacturers being able to identify operational synergies, could also extend to some distributors and create opportunities for distributors. This commonality […]
City Electric, the Texas-based, $1 billion plus electrical distributor with over 525 locations, and seemingly another location opening every week, throughout the country continued the rash of recent electrical distributor acquisitions, this time with a twist. The twist is that […]
Randy Young, Marketing & Operations Manager for BriteSwitch – a New Jersey-based company that helps electrical distributors find, estimate, and file rebates for their customers – outlined several overlooked financial opportunities during a recent webinar. 1. Put a Rebate Estimate […]
Over the past few weeks three of the industry’s major distributors (Graybar, Rexel and WESCO) either made news and/or shared their Q3 performance which provides some insights into the industry and customer segments. DISC Insights DISC just released their Q3 […]
The lighting industry, known for perpetual change given the rapid adoption of LEDs (think of the frequency of new products let alone new manufacturers) continues to evolve. Consider recent developments of GE Current acquiring Hubbell Lighting as well as the […]
Given today’s supply chain disruption from material shortages, lack of truck drivers warehouse staff, and docks full of unloaded material, culminating in manufacturers many turn defensive, tell customers “material is coming, just wait” (similar to a rolling airline delay) and […]