Welcome to the second half of the year, the time when, according to many we’ve spoken with, that business will improve.The first half of the year, based upon a number of conversations we’ve had over the past 45 days range […]
Welcome to the second half of the year, the time when, according to many we’ve spoken with, that business will improve.The first half of the year, based upon a number of conversations we’ve had over the past 45 days range […]
Here’s an interesting little tidbit on HD Supply.The company has a call center that currently has 230 people. They are moving it to a town called Santee, which is in Florida. This makes Santee the point for sales tax, which […]
Last summer we saw Kaman increase it’s involvement in the electrical industry with their purchase of Zeller Electric. Then Schneider Electric authorized them nationally for its automation line. Then Kaman’s Neal Keating is a panelist at the NAED Annual.Now, BDI, […]
New locations are popping up everywhere.Over the past month we’ve noticed an interesting phenom this year that hints that companies are seeking contiguous growth.While shutting branches is talked about and seems to focus on selected distributors, this year there are […]
As Q1 results roll in, we’re able to get a better perspective of the overall market, even if sometimes the numbers are surprising!RexelThere’s was a tv series called “The Venture Bros” and one of the episodes was entitled “What Goes […]
The question for some electrical distributors is “How do I get a Charging Station sale?”The short answer is you have to crack into the corporate infrastructure. Do what? What are you talking about? As a distributor, I am not in […]
Recently Graybar has opened a few locations and has announced that more are on the way. Crescent opened its 8th in Montana (I know, surprised you too that Montana had 8 electrical distribution outlets!) and others are opening new locations […]
As every distributor knows, LEDs are the future of lighting and are significantly impacting many lighting industry dynamics – from whom you buy from to what you stock (and how much of it) to pricing to the concept of cannibalizing future sales […]
Here we are in April and many held their breath wondering how many companies would sell before the end of last year (somewhat driven by tax reasons) and how many would be sold during the first quarter of 2013. Consolidation […]
SPAs have been alternatively called the bane of the industry and an effective sales tool that drives profitable sales for distributors and manufacturers. From speaking with distributors and manufacturers, both are right. Distributors and manufacturers who know how to […]
David Gordon
Channel Marketing Group