We’ve all heard, and seen, how LEDs are taking over the lighting space. We’ve seen lighting manufacturer strategies … and they all focus around selling fixtures with LEDs in them. And we’ve heard how LEDs are so much more efficient […]
We’ve all heard, and seen, how LEDs are taking over the lighting space. We’ve seen lighting manufacturer strategies … and they all focus around selling fixtures with LEDs in them. And we’ve heard how LEDs are so much more efficient […]
Earlier this month we met with distributors and manufacturers at the NAED Annual in Boston. Reportedly over 700 people registered for the conference (doubtful all attended). The layout of the hotel (multiple lobbies, Marriott Copley doesn’t have the easiest layout […]
Over the past week I ran across a few examples of low tech and high tech marketing initiatives that may be worth exploring. The ideas come from Platt Electric, Kirby Risk, Walters Wholesale and US Lamps (a small distributor in […]
Recently I’ve talked to a number of distributors who only want to talk about their desire (they say “need”) to develop a social marketing initiative and/or an app. The sense is that since others have apps, they need one; since […]
In last week’s Reading Roundup we shared some information from Graybar, WESCO, Sonepar and Codale. To start this week we’re sharing more info on WESCO and Graybar and adding in some Kirby Risk, Rexel, ABB/T&B and ElectricSmarts. Kirby Risk – […]
How about a little Reading Round-Up for the week … a collection of information we’ve found on some of the industries major players:WESCOWESCO announced it’s Q2 earnings last week. Some interesting points (from Zacks as well as the call and […]
New Jersey is known for a few things … the crossing of the Delaware, Bruce Springsteen and Griffith Electric, to name a few. The commonality of these three are American initiatives. As we get ready to celebrate July 4th, and […]
Recently I was listening to an ESPN affiliated radio channel that was broadcasting an NBA game. Consider the demographics of people listening to a basketball game on the radio? And consider who was sponsoring the broadcast? Do the demographics match the […]
Channel Marketing Group recently surveyed almost 200 construction and industrial distributors to better understand the marketing tools that they use and how effective they feel that these tools are. Ratings were developed to rank effectiveness. Distributors were also asked about […]
Recently I was reading a couple of articles, 1 that was forward by a client entitled “Five Ways Leaders Must Get Their Hands Dirty in 2012” and a newsletter I received that entitled “How to Generate Repeat Business”. While many […]
David Gordon
Channel Marketing Group